Life is Funny, except when it's really not

Musings of a wacky American Muslim, with an obsession for all things literary, Asian pop culture and gummi candy as she lives life embracing both the funny and the not-so-funny.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Globe Theatre Performance of Hamlet

I'm an English major, so loving Shakespeare is kind of a given!

Hamlet, in particular is one of my favorite plays by the Bard. I read it in its entirety for the first time last semester when I took a Shakespeare course. One thing that my Prof. constantly said as we read the plays was that we should always keep in mind that Shakespeare's plays were written to be performed, not read. 

And so, I continued living my life with those words in the back of my mind. I secretly hoped for a chance to see a performance, perhaps even at the actual Globe Theatre in London, but I didn't actively go looking for one.

You know that dude or dudette who said, "good things don't come to those who wait"? Well, he or she was WRONG! Big time!

The Globe theatre came to me! Literally! Some of the actors from the Globe are currently on tour and NYC is one of their stops. They are performing at Pace University's Schimmel Theatre from October 2nd to October 7th. The performance is open to the public. Click here for tickets and/or additional information.

The fact that the Globe was coming to my school is like eating an amazing cheesecake. However, the fact that from September 28 to September 30th, there was a FREE outdoor performance on the Pleasantville campus (which I call home) was a dang strawberry (my absolute favorite flavor) cheesecake! I was on cloud nine, I was so the end anyway.

At first, I had believed that there was only one performance on Friday, the day on which I student teach. I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but I seriously contemplated ditching my precious 8th graders to attend the performance, but alas I didn't.

On Saturday afternoon, I saw a facebook post (during one of my stalker sessions) from a friend informing mutual friends that they had a chance to watch the performance on Sunday. 

"WHAT? SERIOUSLY? Why didn't you tell me?!" I exclaimed.

So, the next day, off I went for what would be the most significant experience of my literary career, life, whatever.

For three hours, I was spellbound in the world of Prince Hamlet of Denmark. Despite the tiny wooden stage (that I feared would collapse at any minute), the sprinkle of rain, the unattractive ponchos, I was swept into the action and emotion of the play. I became a groundling in the Globe theatre of Shakespeare's time. It was so dang exciting!

Sitting about five to six feet from the front of the stage, the performance had a very intimate, low-key vibe that made it all the more easy for the audience to be completely sucked in. We gasped, we laughed, we shook our heads. We were appalled, disgusted, saddened.

I feel as if I don't quite have the words to describe how I felt during the performance. Only the Bard himself could come up with words to describe how amazing the performance was!

This performance did many things for me:
  • It has strengthened my love not only for Hamlet, but for all of Shakespeare's works.
  • It has further piqued my interest in theatre and plays. I want to see more!
  • It has increased my awareness of how amazing actors are and how difficult it is to play and remain in a role no matter what. Yet, at the same time knowing when to break your role to further hook your audience can be just as effective.
    • Hamlet (aka Michael Benz) made a quirky joke about us covering up, as ponchos were being handed out during the rain.
    • Another character (or actor), King Claudius, I believe, made another little joke about the Kessel cafeteria. It was funny. I laughed.
The Globe theatre's performance of Hamlet is one every lover of Shakespeare should see; definitely more than once. Perhaps even three times in a row if you're a Pace University English major!

Slideshow #1: Globe Theatre Performance of Hamlet

Slideshow#2: Globe Theatre Performance of Hamlet WITH WITTY SPEECH BUBBLES!

Video Excerpt: "To be or not to be" Soliloquy

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Working at the Family Justice Center: Week 1

I’ve survived! My first week of working full time. 40 hours. Arg! I’ve been exhausted!

So, two posts ago, I mentioned that I got a new job working in the Children’s room at the Family Justice Center. The Family Justice Center is a program under Mayor Bloomberg’s Combat Domestic Violence office. It’s basically a one-stop shop for victims and survivors of intimate partner violence or domestic violence. Clients can walk-in anytime from 9 to 5 and get all kinds of help: speak with a lawyer about a case, speak to our police officers to make a report, speak with a counselor or case manager, get help finding a shelter, get food or clothes for the night, receive help getting benefits etc etc. The purpose of the Children’s room is to be a peaceful, safe place for children whose guardian(s) is getting services at the Family Justice Center. Any guardian or parent who would prefer that their children not listen in on their conversation with a lawyer, or counselor are welcome to leave them with us in the Children’s Room. It is then our job to make the possibly traumatize child as happy as possible and provide a place where they can leave their problems at the door, even for just a little while.

In other words… I get paid to play! lol

In the past week, I have played UNO, Memory Match, Operation (both original and Shrek version), Go-fish, and Life. I have also been very creative and colored an Ernie and a scarecrow, drew a teddy bear and my dream home, and made a bead bracelet. I even painted a ceramic fish (which I forgot at work on Friday *pout*)!

What’s even better about working at the FJC, is the people. I get along really well with my co-intern and my supervisors. Despite its corporate look, the FJC offices, as well as the employees are very welcoming. My co-workers are so friendly, laid-back and easy to get along with. I spent one lunch hour playing hang-man with my boss for gods sake! LOL Never thought that could ever happen.

In short, I’m enjoying my time there and look forward to the next three weeks!

Want to see my amazing artistic ability? *grin* Look below!


Coloring! And I didn’t even go out of the lines…much. =) Yay!


Pretty bead bracelet! Excuse the slightly hairy arm. Yes, it’s mine. =)


Ladies and Gentlemen. I introduce you to… Sally Bear! (The bear outline was a stencil. I ‘m not that good. But the outfit and hair are Tuma originals!)


My dream home with the white picket fence, nice forest behind it and swing set. Okay, so my fence isn’t white, the house is an atrocious color, and I have a grey and pink cat despite the fact that I don’t like cats much. Sometimes Most times, things look better in your head! lol


Just my name with some random doodles. Oh, since I’d be annoyed if someone asks me what’s that green thing. It’s a FISH, a fish, people! I know it came out weird looking. lol


That’s all, folks!

Until next time,


Life is Funny!

Friday, August 3, 2012

OCD, Anal Retentiveness, or simply a rare case of Weird-Tuma-itis?

Now that I think about it…I do a lot of weird things. Or what would be considered weird to others. To me, they’re perfectly logical. The actions themselves aren’t weird, but the amount of time, energy and attention I pay them may seem weird.

Could it be possible that I have a slight case of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Or maybe it’s just me being Anal? OR most likely, it’s simply me being, well...ME?

Before diagnosing me, let’s get some definitions of the way. I’m an English major, I love words and books. Dictionaries, on the other hand, are like a wet dream come true! A BOOK of WORDS?! *swoons*

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: “an anxiety disorder characterized by recurrent and persistent thoughts and feelings and repetitive, ritualized behaviors”.

Anal retentiveness: “used conversationally to describe a person who pays such attention to detail that the obsession becomes an annoyance to others, potentially to the detriment of the anal-retentive person”.

So, neither one sounds QUITE like me, but I do exhibit traits of both.


  • Both yesterday and today, I ate 13 cherries. I do alot of things in either 10 or 13, as those are my favorite numbers.
  • I put on everything from my right: Right arm pulled into right sleeve first, right sock put on first, right shoe first, right leg into right jean leg first etc etc Though this may have more to do with Islam’s disapproval of using the left or “impure” hand for anything except potty purposes.
  • My closet is organized…like scarily organized! From the right: dresses, skirts, pants (sorted by color) , jeans (sorted by shade), shirts (sorted by type (tees, blouses, button-ups), sleeve length and color), sweaters (sorted by sleeve length and color), hoodies (sorted by thickness and color), jackets (sorted by thickness and color). O_O Pretty anal, huh? Sigh…
  • EVERYONE in my phone book is saved by first AND last name. Even my mom and dad are Mommy Hydara and Daddy Hydara. *droops head*
  • My computer has a folder for each semester of college. And each semester folder has a folder for each course, and each course folder has separate folders for assignments and readings…. Is that being nicely organized or being anal? I JUST DON’T KNOW! *wails*
  • My binder sections for classes are ordered by day and time, so that my Monday morning class is first and my Friday afternoon class is last….
  • My babies, er books are sorted by Author last name, then title, but with series together. I’ve thought of doing it by genre, then author, and title, but, even I think that’s too much. But I’m really tempted to do it anyway.
  • I’m also a hoarder, refusing to throw things away, especially documents. I still have every report card and certificate ever received since KINDERGARTEN (all through grade school, high school and college). I have every bank statement and credit card statement that came in the mail. I have every manual for every appliance or electronic ever bought for our home. Oh, crap…. I won’t have many friends left after this post goes live and people read it! haha =)
  • I set the clock in my room two minutes ahead, but set the alarm on my phone to wake me up. This way, once I’m up, I always think I have two minutes less time than I actually have. So, if I need to leave the house at 8:30 and I glance at my clock and I see it’s 8:30…I think, “oh shit, I’m late” and run out of the door, BUT I’m NOT actually late, because it's only 8:28. This is more GENIUS, than crazy, huh? Don’t you think so? *nudge nudge*
  • I wake up every morning and the first thing I do….is check my emails. Not use the potty, not take a shower, not even check my facebook, but my emails…. smh. haha
Hmmm? What other weird habits do I have. Oh, I also…you know what? I think I’ll stop here. ^__^ A little mystery is good for a girl's attractiveness. *winks*

Do you have weird habits? SHARE THEM in the comments! =)

Life is Funny

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Visit to the NYPD Headquarters

Hello lovely people!

I recently got a job at the Family Justice Center. It’s a program created by the mayor to serve victims of Domestic abuse. As an alumni of the Ladders for Leaders program, I was referred to the opportunity and after an initial meeting got the job. I’ll be working in the Children’s room, entertaining little rugrats as their parent(s) or guardian is being helped.

Before, I could start though, I needed to be fingerprinted and undergo a background check. Ohhh…ominous! lol So, I was given an appointment with an Officer R. for this Thursday morning at 10:30am over at the NYPD Headquarters located at One Police Plaza.

For those who know me, you may know that I have a thing for men in uniforms—firefighter, paramedics, military—I’m not really picky. And on that list, is of course police officers. So, couple that fetish with an overactive imagination and you can guarantee a fun time in Tuma-land!

One, I imagined (hoped) Officer R. who I had my appointment with would look something like this:
Except, obviously the good looking, young ones aren’t usually stuck behind a desk doing fingerprints, but are out doing more exciting things.

On to number two. I imagined a slick, technologically modern building. I mean the first security check-in was about 4/10 on the coolness meter. After going through the metal detectors I had to go up to this Metrocard machine looking thing and type in my name and take my own webcam pic. lol Kind of lame, huh? For a score of 10, the machine would have needed a retina-eye scanner, fingerprint scanner and voice recognition that pulls up all my information from which hospital room I was born in to what my grade was for Lit 132 before admitting me clearance into the building. Man! That would have been WICKED cool!

So, after the lame-o metro card machine clearance, I walked to the actual building. It was unassuming, so boring, so bland. Nice touch was the “Officers lost during duty or Performance” (forget the exact phrasing). There were a LOT of name and I was kind of humbled. I gave a mental salute (because a physical one would have brought attention to myself) and walked up to the next security check-in to get my pass.

I was supposed to go to the 6th floor, but Officer V. (I’m pretty good with names, huh? I’m not making these up. Really.) gave me a pass for the first floor. I went back and then he gave me a past for the 5th floor. What’s going on Officer V? Didn’t have your coffee and donut, yet? KIDDING. lol Bad cop joke.

Anyway, he waves me on and says it’s alright. And I’m mentally freaking out because there was a CLEARLY VISIBLE sign telling visitors that they were NOT allowed to be on any other floor except that which was indicated on their pass and they could be arrested if they did. AR-RES-TED (repeated for emphasis).

Despite that, I was able to get to the 6th floor with no mishap and got my fingerprints taken. This consists of having all five fingers rolled in ink and pressed on a card individually, then your two thumbs together, then your four other fingers together (both hands done separately). It was strangely entertaining, having my fingers handled and rolled and inked and pressed. Some of my amusement must have shown on my face because Officer R. suddenly asked, “Kind of fun, isn’t it?” And I giggled. Giggled! LOL Like a 12-year-old.

It was over pretty quickly and I left the building. I was expecting something MORE out of the NYPD headquarters. Not sure what, especially since I was only visiting one office on one floor, but the mind works in mysteriously ways, you know. No? You don’t know. So, it’s just MY mind then. Oh Phooey!

Stay out of trouble with the law!

Hasta la Vista,
Life is Funny.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Liebster Blog Reward ^__^

Hiya beautiful people!!!

So, a good friend of mine, Amanda, recently won the Liebster Blog Award. Join me in congratulating her... ~Congrats, Amanda~... Go say hi here:

So, as a part of the award process, she's suppose to tag 10 people who each then answer the questions that she chose and then tag another 10 people. As I am socially inept, I don't have too many friends who blog, except one other and Amanda and there are no tag-backs! lol So, I'll just answer the questions, I never said I was one to completely follow all of the rules.

Don't know what the bleeding hell I'm talking about? Here's some info about the award:

The Liebster Blog Award is given to up-and-coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. Liebster is a German word which means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, and welcome.

The Rules:

1. Each person must post 10 facts about themselves

2. Answer 10 questions the tagger has given you and give 10 questions for the people you’ve tagged.

3. Choose 10 ONE (lol) people person and link them in your post.

4. Tell them you’ve tagged them.

5. Remember, no tag backs Whatever!

And here I go!

Me 10 Facts:

  1. My hair color is dark brown, but can look a little lighter in the sun. (I find that people are morbidly curious (as in are about to DIE, they want to know so badly) about my hair as I wear a hijab and it is rarely seen. So here's a little clue.)
  2. I am obsessed with Asian dramas! I watch so much Korean and Taiwanese dramas. Visit my review blog - Looney Express: Crazy Reviews - for more info of all of the ones I've watch. Do you watch Korean dramas too? Then, please comment! I need a fangirl buddy to gush with! =)
  3. As a result of my Kdrama obsession and listening to countless soundtracks, I am equally hooked on Korean pop music! It's so good! The US hasn't seen any real boy bands since the Backstreet Boys and Nsync, but Korean boybands are just coming alive! And man, can those boys turn a gal into a steaming puddle of goo! lol Visit my Favorite Kpop playlist here, for all of my faves.
  4. My favorite color is pink, though I once hated it as a child, deeming it too girlie.
  5. Despite being an avid reader, I've yet to read the Harry Potter series, though I've been meaning to for so long.
  6. I may be 20, soon-to-be-21, but, *whispers* my body hosts the soul of a perpetual 12-year-old. I love kid movies like "Up" and "Tangled". I'm very playful and silly. I bite my mom in affection. lol
  7. My favorite number is 13, cause it's my birthday. My birthday's been Friday the 13th twice already. I'm waiting for it to happen a third time, cause things happen in three's don't they? It won't be this year though, as my birthday will land on a Saturday. Maybe when I'm really bored, I'll skip ahead a bunch of years and see when it will happen.
  8. I put my watch on my right hand instead of my left. I never thought it was weird until I started noticing that everyone else puts theirs on their left. Is there an unwritten rule somewhere that says watches belong on one's left wrist? Pisses me off! lol
  9. I'm an avid reader and journal writer. I've been writing journals since I started high school. They're even numbered. I'm up to number 6...
  10. Last, but not least, my favorite fruit is strawberry. I even recently got strawberry printed pajamas from Old Navy. I love them. I almost feel as happy wearing them as I do eating strawberry, almost. ^__^

Amanda's 10 Questions for Moi!

1. When did you start blogging?

Uh...? *runs and looks at first blog's archive* So, I've been blogging since April of 2008...WOW! Even I'm surprised.

2. What made you decide to start a blog?

I don't know. I've always liked writing and putting my thoughts down on paper.

3. Why did you pick the topic that you did for your blog?

...I have three different blogs with three different topics! lol I like blogging, so whenever I come up with an idea for a post that may not quite fit the theme of one blog, I create a new one. I have my Looney Express blog where I review dramas/movies/anime that I watch and books that I read, My Creative site--FH Photographs and Writing-- is where I post my writing and photography (not as often as I'd like) and this blog is an extension of my private journal.

4. How often do you blog?

Sporadically! I can write 3 posts, three days in a row, or go months without writing even one. Depends on what I have to say and whether I'm too lazy to say it!

5. Do you ever get into a rut with your blog?


6. How do you get yourself out of it?

I don't try. lol Either I do, or I don't.

7. What is your favorite part of blogging?

The writing, the ranting.

8. Your least favorite part?

Not having much of an audience and interaction.

9. Do you plan to blog "long-term"?

I think so.

10. What is your favorite blog post you've written so far?

It was hard to choose, but I think this one about visiting my native country--The Gambia--for the first time:

The people I am tagging: (Screw it, I'm tagging back. lol)

My Questions for my tagger (and ANY visitors who also have blogs. Let me know if you decide to answer the questions. Leave a link in the comments).

  1. What is your favorite fruit?
  2. Why do you blog?
  3. Do you like Asian dramas (esp. Korean)? *crosses fingers* lol
  4. What do you feel passionate about?
  5. What are your career goals? Current or future.
  6. If you had a dollar, what would you buy?
  7. If you could write a book, what would it be about?
  8. What's your favorite color? Why?
  9. What's your favorite movie or types of movies?
  10. What's your favorite fictional character?

DONE! That was a super long post.

Until next time,

Life is Funny!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Top 10 Ramadan Resolutions

So, the time of no food or drink. Waking up early-early. Hunger. Becoming lightheaded. Crankiness. Dehydration. The list goes on. It’s that time again—the holiest month for all Muslims—Ramadan.

So, Ramadan is about more than fasting—not eating or drinking from sunrise to sunset—it’s also about contemplating your life and thinking of both the good and the bad. It’s about doing more of the good and trying to end the bad. I’ve never thought about this additional aspect of Ramadan because, well, I just didn’t. But, I’m thinking about this year.

Ramadan is scheduled to begin tomorrow. Evaluating my life at this moment—where am I both spiritually and secularly? where should I be? and where do I want to be?—are the questions I find that I am asking myself.

My Top 10 Ramadan Resolutions:

1. Read more of the Holy Quran. I really don’t read it—like at all. *cringes* So, I’m going to try and read it in its entirely at least once (the English translated version of course!) and see what I can make of it. 
2. Perform my daily prayers… on time! God, I am horrible at keeping track of the time and doing my prayers when I’m supposed to. It’s worse when I’m in the middle of something, like reading a book, watching a show or doing homework. I just keep telling myself, when I finish this, as soon as I’m done with this. Then, next thing I know, it’s 11:30pm and I’m rushing to payback nearly all of my prayers. Bad bad bad, I know!

3. Become more pure of mind. I mean, I’m still a virgin for god’s sake (unmarried Muslim girl here), but my mind is a scary, scary place! lol I should really probably limit the amount of smut novels I read. It’s a lot. I mean, I read the 50 Shades of Grey trilogy in a day and a half! P.S. I’m in love with Christian Grey!
Oh, Christian Grey.... *swoons* lol P.S. Look below for link to funny article smashing the trilogy!
4. Start being more respectful to my mom and dad (dad, deserves it sometimes..maybe, just a bit. We just don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of issues). Man, I can be so rude sometimes, I’m often surprised to find that my head is still attached to my shoulders. I get angry and snarky whenever I’m asked to do something or don't agree with something. In the grand scheme of things, I’m not being asked to do anything major, but it sure feels that way during chore assignment time.

5. I should also probably memorize a few additional surahs (chapters in the Quran), and Du’as (prayers) to enhance my prayers.

6. Pick up a damn phone and give my friends a damn call! I never realized how truly anti-social and how much of a loner and introvert I am. It’s truly shocking. I can go days, or weeks without contact with any of my friends. If it wasn’t for the internet, people would think I was dead. I don’t understand myself. I love my friends, so why does it always feel so awkward to make the first move and make that call? Even with friends I’ve known for a long time. I’m probably the only girl on the planet who barely talks on the phone or video chats. So, I really want to grow some gonads and start reaching out to friends, or otherwise…sooner or later…I won’t have many or even any friends left to invite to my eventually wedding. That’s a really depressing thought.

Yea...not a pretty sight. I really don't want to end up this way!

7. Eat better! For someone who only weights 103 lbs., my diet is ATROCIOUS! A typical schedule of meals for me consists of: cup-o-noodle at 3 or 4pm, some frosted flakes at about 8pm and big bold gummi bears at 2am. How am I still alive?! And not deceased due to malnutrition?! I want to eat better, I do..I mean, I LIKE healthy foods, they can be very tasty. It mostly stems from excessive laziness, I think, which brings us to resolution #8… 

My newest addiction... these things are awesome. Really. Go to your neighborhood Walgreens and GET you some!

8. Stop being lazy!!! I am such a blob, a sloth, a good-for-nothing, a bum. If it was left completely up to me…I would life my life doing absolutely nothing: wake up mid afternoon, eat (kind of), bathroom, entertainment (movies, tv shows, games, reading etc) til about 4am, shut off computer, roll over and back to sleep (cause I’d never left my bed). What kind of life is that for a vivacious 20-year-old like myself?! So I hope to be able to give myself some kind of schedule and stick to here. Sigh…we’ll see how that goes.

Isn't he cute? In a "New-mom-thinks-her-newborn-alien-looking-baby-is-adorable" kind of way.

9. Be nicer. I’m such a jerk. To my family and in my head. I’m nicer to strangers than I am to my family sometimes. I don’t know if it’s the whole oldest sibling syndrome, or I just really enjoy torturing my younger siblings. Also, I often surprise myself at some of the thoughts that go through my head in reaction to people and their actions. I have such a low tolerance for stupidity (as do most people, as far as I know), but even idiots deserve to be treated nicely, right? lol

Lucky me! I have FOUR younger siblings to torture for ENDLESS entertainment.

10. Finally, my last resolution, is to learn more about my religion. I’ve been fortunate (or unfortunate, depends on who you’re asking) enough to be born into Islam. But what does it mean? I’ve never questioned it, simply going through the motions and what my parents and religious leaders tell me I should be doing. Instead, I’d like to come to my own consensus of what Islam means to me, personally. I’ve always believed that faith born out of doubt is much stronger than simple blind faith.

Well that's it. My 10 Ramadan Resolutions. I wonder, how much of this I can actually do. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. I'm pretty sure that may apply to Tumas as well. =/

Au Revoir! Until next time, Bye!

As an English major, I couldn't NOT do this. I kept hearing the voices, telling me to always cite my sources and to never plagiarize, so here's my source link list for the images.
1. The Quran:
2. 50 Shades Trilogy:
3. Crying Bride:
4. Big Bold Gummi Bears:
5. Lazy Sloth:
6. Older Sibling:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Maybe My Life Doesn’t Suck as Much as I Thought #2:

Average Height.

I’m not as short as I have always thought I am. As a kid, I was. Short, I mean. The shortest in my class actually. From Kindergarten, I stood at the front of the line, sat at the corner end of class photos—all the way until about 6th grade when a new girl joined our class. Then, I was second tallest. Oh the joy, the bliss of that day.

Funny thing is that I still carry that childhood mentality of I’m Short and so I always carry myself that way. So fast forward a buncha years to today, and I’m now 5’4”. That’s not too short, is it? I’m perfectly average, I’d say.

Yet, I am continuously bewildered, shocked, surprised, flaggergasted (god, I LOVE that word), whenever I realize that many of friends are about my height, or *gasp* SHORTER!

Being short isn’t really such a big deal, but I’m still happy that I grew eventually.

Now…if only I could gain a couple of pounds… =)




Life is Funny

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Maybe My Life Doesn’t Suck as Much as I Thought #1

So, I often think my life sucks. I’m antisocial, unemployed, weird. I have strict parents, annoying siblings, no money…I mean, the list goes on and on.
And you always hear the clichĂ© –“There is always someone worse off than you”—which I scoff at of course, because NO ONE’s life could possibly be as bland as my own.
Then, as an intelligent human being (or so I would like to think), I kick myself in the ass (metaphorically, as I’m not nearly that flexible) and call myself a dumbass among other things.
In the end, I decide to write a series of posts about the things I’m gratefully for, the things others might even envy me for, the ways in which maybe my life doesn’t quite suck as much as I thought it does.
Without further adieu,
Maybe My Life Doesn’t Suck as Much as I Thought #1:
I’m Healthy.

I mean, in my 20 years of existence, I have not been sick with anything more severe than the common cold. No broken or fractured limbs, so ear infections (as far as I can remember), no flu (and I don’t even get flu shots), no tumors, cancers, rare diseases….
That’s something to truly be grateful for, right? I mean life is hard enough to live, without having to live it with diabetes or sickle cell anemia, or asthma. So, I’m glad, thankful, absolutely ecstatic that I’ve yet to suffer or struggle that way.

So, that’s #1. I hope I haven’t jinxed myself now with this post. Next thing we know I’d be laid up in the hospital with some funky disorder that makes me sprout wings……though that would kind of cool, wouldn’t it?

Until next time!
Life is Funny

Friday, June 29, 2012

A World of Spinning Lights….

She walked down the block slowly, placing one small step in front of one small step, gently rubbing her tummy with one hand. ‘Why does it hurt so much this month,’ she thought as she tried to soothe the cramps. She arrived at the Chinese place to pick up her order of chicken wings and fried rice. She stepped into the small restaurant, hoping for a slightly cooler atmosphere—it wasn't. She watched absentmindedly as some butch chick and her equally butch boyfriend (?) ordered eight chicken wings and large fries. They finally moved aside and she made eye contact with the Chinese woman behind the glass window.

She opened her mouth to tell the woman that she'd ordered over the phone. Instead she said, "Ah oberred ovah da pone". ‘Why does it sound like I'm slurring my words a bit', she thought as the Chinese woman held up her order and asked if she wanted ketchup. She shook her head 'no', took a step forward and the world became an orb of spinning lights. She managed to make it to the counter, pay for her order and walk gingerly outside--all the while, chanting in her head, 'oh god, please. Just let me get home. Please'.

She stopped and leaned against the window of the Laundromat next door. She placed one hand against her mouth to push back the nausea, the other she placed against her closed eyes and prayed for the world to stop playing dress-up as a spinning kaleidoscope of lights. Slowly and a bit afraid, she opened her eyes. 'Better. Thank god.'

She continued down the block and a half home. 'Just need to get home. It'll be alright if I just get home'. She made it across the street, down the eight stairs leading into her building, through the suddenly heavy front door and into the steel elevator; she managed to press the button for the 6th floor as the spinning began anew. “Almost there”, she muttered, just as the world lurched violently and her head hit the elevator panel. A voice seemingly far away was barely heard.


She shook her head softly to clear it, so she could understand what was being said.

"Are you okay?"

She brought a trembling hand to the bridge of her nose and squeezed, before responding, "I'm just... a lil... dizzy". She took a deep breath, put a hand against the elevator wall to both hold her up and push off so that she could stand straighter. Everything lurched again before she could completely balance herself, her hand against the wall the only thing keeping her standing.

"What apartment are you?" she heard, or thought she heard.

"Six....twen...ty...three" she replied to the faraway voice, trying with everything in her, not to throw up. She was led out of the elevator. Holding onto a strong forearm, she slowly and blindly followed the stranger, trying not to be overwhelmed with thoughts of fear, confusion, wonder embarrassment and fantasy, each vying to be uppermost in mind.

What the hell is wrong with me anyway? A brain tumor? Cancer? Yeah right, probably just a combo of not eating anything, getting my period and the heat--it is fuckin 97 degrees. How would I have gotten home by myself? Who is this guy anyway? I guess not all ghetto black dudes are without manners. Does this make him my knight in shining armor? Wonder if he's cute? Right now, he's just a mess of color and light. I would probably crush on him if I could see his face and it was appealing enough. Doesn't every girl dream of being rescued--and here I thought I was immune to such girly sentiments. God, this is so fuckin embarrassing, I'm like a blind handicapped old woman. Good thing, I don't know what he looks like. Oh fuck...are we there yet? I really gotta throw up...

They finally arrive at apartment 623 and she breathes a shaky sigh of relief. "You gonna be okay?" the knight, I mean stranger asks. "Y-yes. Thank you so much," she says and rings the bell. She'd just needed to get home and now she had....everything would be just fine.


So….you’ve probably guessed it, but this is what actually happened to me today. It was so damn scary. I’m hardly sick. I only get a cold twice a year. That’s it. So, when things like this happen, it really frightens me, making me feel really vulnerable. To sort of lessen that fear, I decided to write it as a story, one with a bit of humor in it.

Did anything like this happen to anyone else? Was it just as scary and/or embarrassing? Tell me about it in the comments.

Until next time,


Life is Funny,

Except when it’s not and your world suddenly becomes a spinning ball of light!

Big Sister Pranks!

I was puttering away on my brand new Asus Eee Pad Transformer tablet when my young sister slammed into my room. “Fatuma! Fatuma! The c-c-comp-p-pu…,” she struggled to say as her stutter became worse than usual. My hands had already paused on the tablet’s keyboard as I struggled to contain a smirk before finally looking up—a seemingly bored façade in place. “What is it? Slow down and spit it out.”

“The- the c-c-computer is fr-freaking out! Come look,” she yelled frantically, pulling on my arm.

“Okay, okay. I’m coming,” I grumbled as I followed her to the living room and stood before the family desktop computer. “What’s wrong with it?” I asked after a minute of nothing actually happening.

“It was moving by itself,” she replied.

“Alright, try what you was doing before,” I suggested as I sat on the nearby couch and resumed puttering on the tablet I’d bought along.

“Fatuma! Fatuma!’s doing it again! It’s controlling itself!” I looked up struggling to hide my amusement. “Now, it’s typing,” she screeched loudly, just as Microsoft Word was opened and the following words appeared on the screen in bolded, red, Calibra, size 14 font:




“What’s going on”, little sister continued to freak out as I began to laugh hysterically. “Try- try closing it”, I stuttered trying to catch my breath.

“O-okay,” she said reluctantly as she edged towards the computer to close the screen. “No, I don’t want to save you,” she muttered anxiously as she clicked “no”. A few seconds later, Microsoft word re-opened and these words appeared in a larger font size:



My sister worked herself into a frenzy. “Fatuma! I closed the window and now it’s asking me why I closed it. I’m freaking out! I’m freaking out”, she yelled as she did just that and ran for the phone sitting next to the monitor, just as these words appeared:


“Faaatuuumaaaa!!!!” she cried. “It said to sleep with one eye open. I’m gonna die”. She was nearly hyperventilating as she hysterically dialed my dad’s number.

‘No, I’m gonna die,’ I thought as I fell to the ground, holding my stomach in uncontrollable laughter.

“Daddy! The computer’s freaking out…But, it’s important…O-okay…bye”.

‘Hahahaha’ I cackled manically as I laughed even harder. ‘R.E.—J.E.—C.T.E.D. Rejected’, I sang amusingly in my head imitating an old Zoey 101 episode. This was just getting funnier and funnier. ‘Who knew it would work out so well?’ I thought gleefully.

Meanwhile, dear little sister mine continued to freak and panic. I finally took pity on her before her little heart gave out. “C-calm down. It- it was me. It was me,” I choked out in between bouts of laughter.


I explained about a new android app I discovered called Splashtop Remote Desktop. I explained how it allowed me to be able to take control of a computer. I explained how I was playing a prank. I explained how it was all me being the typical evil older sis.

After I finished, she glared at me for a long time without speaking. Then she said just one thing with as much menace as she could muster, “YOU sleep with one eye open,” and returned to using the not-really-haunted-computer.

And that my friends was the story of the time I played a prank on my little sister.


Interested in the android app that allowed me to do this? Here are the links:

Splashtop Remote Desktop App - $4.99

Splashtop Remote Desktop App - HD Version - $8.99

Splashtop Remote DEsktop - PC/MAC Software


What pranks have you played on your siblings? I want to know, so leave your story in the comments!

Until next time,


Life is Funny,

Especially when you’re a sinister-prank-playing-older-sister-with-a-lovable-but-gullible-younger-sis.

Monday, March 5, 2012

KONY2012 - Help Stop the Atrocities of the Joseph Kony and the LRA in Uganda and Central Africa

I don't want to do my usual rants, because this is too important and the video speaks for itself.
So, just three words:

Then Click Read more below to for a quick overview of the conflict, 
which is just as new to me, as it may be to you).



Wednesday, February 1, 2012

African American Firsts: Published Poet

Miss Phillis Wheatley had been considered the first African American published poet before that title was snatched away from her in the 20th century. Poor Philly. =(

It was discovered that Jupiter Hammon was actually the first, as his poem “An Evening Thought. Salvation by Christ with Penitential Cries” had been published in New York in 1761.

Wheatley’s was published in England in 1773, but being female gives her serious brownie points in my book.

Phillis Wheatley was born in what would most likely be present day Gambia (where my family is from! What a coincidence?!). She was bought over as a slave when she was about 7 or 8 and sold to a rich tailor in Boston by the name of John Wheatley. This was 1761. Johnny and his wife Susannah treated Philly with kindness (as much kindness that could be treated to a slave) and allowed her to learn how to read. Philly was one smart cookie! She learned English in 16 months and without any formal education was easily reading the Bible and other classical works of literature—sometimes in Latin!

In 1773, she took a trip to England with her master’s son Nathanial. During her visit she published her book of poetry titled, “Poems on Various Subjects: Religious and Moral”. Soon after she returned, both her master and mistress died! Oh, the sorrow.

Freed after the death of the Wheatleys, she tried earning a living on her own to no avail. And what do many women do when they can’t take care of themselves? Find a man to do it for them! She marries John Peters, a free black man in 1778. Unfortunately, it wasn’t a happy marriage. Cheater? Wife beater? Lazy SOB? The sources don’t say. Though, he does end up in prison for debt—so a Gambler? Her story gets even sadder! During her marriage, two of her three children die as little babes. After the death of her husband, Philly is forced to work at a boarding house. In 1784, she dies at the age of 31, alone and poor, with her third child buried in her arms.

Doesn’t Philly deserve to be remembered just a little? Below is a sample of her poetry.

To a Lady on the Death of her Husband.

GRIM monarch! see, depriv'd of vital breath,

A young physician in the dust of death:

Dost thou go on incessant to destroy,

Our griefs to double, and lay waste our joy?

Enough thou never yet wast known to say,

Though millions die, the vassals of thy sway:

Nor youth, nor science, not the ties of love,

Nor ought on earth thy flinty heart can move.

The friend, the spouse from his dire dart to save,

In vain we ask the sovereign of the grave.

Fair mourner, there see thy lov'd Leonard laid,

And o'er him spread the deep impervious shade.

Clos'd are his eyes, and heavy fetters keep

His senses bound in never-waking sleep,

Till time shall cease, till many a starry world

Shall fall from heav'n, in dire confusion hurl'd

Till nature in her final wreck shall lie,

And her last groan shall rend the azure sky:

Not, not till then his active soul shall claim

His body, a divine immortal frame.

But see the softly-stealing tears apace

Pursue each other down the mourner's face;

But cease thy tears, bid ev'ry sigh depart,

And cast the load of anguish from thine heart:

From the cold shell of his great soul arise,

And look beyond, thou native of the skies;

There fix thy view, where fleeter than the wind

Thy Leonard mounts, and leaves the earth behind.

Thyself prepare to pass the vale of night

To join for ever on the hills of light:

To thine embrace this joyful spirit moves

To thee, the partner of his earthly loves;

He welcomes thee to pleasures more refin'd,

And better suited to th' immortal mind.

Are you completely hooked? Want to read her entire published book?

Go here:

There’s little to be known about Jupiter Hammon, on the other hand. He was born a slave around 1720 (exact d.o.b unknown) and owed by Henry Lloyd of Long Island. The Lloyds allowed Hammon to attend school and so he learned to read and write. With their help, he also published his first work in New York—“An Evening Thought.”—in 1761, the same year that Wheatley was bought to the states. As the Lloyds were fervent Christians, so became he and his poetry drips with religious doctrine and admonishment. He continued to write various poems, even including one addressed to Wheatley acknowledging her skill as a writer (or rubbing salt in her wounds about no longer being the first published poet? Just kidding, that happens years later, remember?). His most notable work, published in 1787, is a prose piece titled, “An Address to the Negroes of the State of New York,” urging blacks to be true to their masters. At the same time, he disapproved of the institution of slavery and argued for the freedom of younger slaves. He was last heard about in 1790 and thought to have died before the early 1800s.

Below are the first few lines of “An Evening Thought”.


Composed by Jupiter Hammon, a Negro belonging to Mr Lloyd, of Queen's-Village, on Long-Island, the 25th of December, 1760.

Salvation comes by Jesus Christ alone,

The only Son of God;

Redemption now to every one,

That love his holy Word.

Dear Jesus we would fly to Thee,

And leave off every Sin,

Thy tender Mercy well agree;

Salvation from our King.

Salvation comes now from the Lord,

Our victorious King;

His holy Name be well ador'd,

Salvation surely bring.

Dear Jesus give thy Spirit now,

Thy Grace to every Nation,

You can read the rest here:

His extoling of Philly’s poetic talents are below in the first few lines of “An Address to Miss Phillis Wheatly”.


O come you pious youth! adore

The wisdom of thy God,

In bringing thee from distant shore,

To learn His holy word.


Thou mightst been left behind

Amidst a dark abode;

God’s tender mercy still combin’d

Thou hast the holy word.


Fair wisdom’s ways are paths of peace,

And they that walk therein,

Shall reap the joys that never cease

And Christ shall be their king.

Are you loving this stuff and simply must have more? Go here:

So, today’s African American firsts are published poets, Phillis Wheatley and Jupiter Hammon.


Have requests about next African American firsts post. Leave your suggestion in the comments and I’ll see what I can do! Winking smile


Until next time,


Life is funny.


"Wheatley, Phillis." American Authors, 1600-1900 (1938): Biography Reference Bank (H.W. Wilson). Web. 1 Feb. 2012.

"Hammon, Jupiter." American Authors, 1600-1900 (1938): Biography Reference Bank (H.W. Wilson). Web. 1 Feb. 2012.

James A. Rawley. “The World of Phillis Wheatley.” The New England Quarterly , Vol. 50, No. 4 (Dec., 1977), pp. 666-677. Web. 1 Feb. 2012.

“Phillis Wheatley”. Wikipedia. Wikimedia. N.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2012

“Jupiter Hammon”. Wikipedia. Wikimedia. N.d. Web. 1 Feb. 2012

African American Firsts – Celebrating Black History Month

Black history or the history of any racial and ethnic group should always be celebrated year around by those who are a part of that culture.
Regardless, like many of the bazillion other blogs out there, I’m going to celebrate Black History Month by creating a series of daily posts dedicated to African American firsts. This first post will serve as an archive.
Click the links below to see the individual posts and learn about the first African Americans to do everything and anything!

First African American Published Poet

Saturday, January 7, 2012

My 20th Year of Existence (2011)–April to August

Part two of my 20th year, the months of April to August were both anticlimactic and significant. Anticlimactic because I spent a lot of it being a total waste of human life, and significant because of a few key events.

To start, after coming back from my trip to the motherland, I did a lot of bumming around. As I wrote in my journal on April 24th,

“I have never—in my 19 years of life on this earth—felt as useless as I do now. I feel like such a waste of air. My days have no real purpose. No school. No work. No Religion. No saving the planet, or feeding the hungry. Basically, I suck”.

In those first few months before I eventually got a job, I spent my days playing on my new sewing machine (on better, more constructive days), or on my computer spending hours reading manga, and watching anime and Asian dramas. If you interested in some of the series I’d watched during that time, visit my review blog at: Looney Express Reviews.


I needed structure, a schedule, which I didn’t have, so I started to slowly wither with idleness. My sleep schedule was totally screwed up with me staying up all night and sleeping all day, like a damn vampire, except without the sexiness! I would lucky to eat one proper meal, so I was too damn lazy to get up and make something, so I relied on the instant gratification of chocolate and gummi worms.

Lestat over Edward Cullen ANY day!

When I wasn’t being a total waste of human flesh, I was doing a bit of soul searching. I realized that I was becoming a little bitter about my life and the diminishing of my childhood dreams. I’ve always wanted to experience the world and life to the fullest. I fantasized of traveling the world and taking photographs of the world’s treasures and awe-inspiring sights. I wanted to become a linguist and study several languages. I wanted to become cultured—attend concerts, festivals, see plays and musicals. But so many things continue to stand in my way—religion, family responsibility and my own fears and insecurities. I soon got past all of that. Thankfully, I’m too damn cheerful and determined to remain depressed and sullen for long.

In May, I finally got a job as a sales associate at Macys in White Plains. The job was exhausting and a pain in the ass, but it was nice to see money going into my checking account every week, but by the end of the summer, I don’t know where the HELL the majority of my money went! You don’t realize how much money you’re spending, until it’s all spent!

New York is Number One, err…Six!

I was so damn proud when NY became the sixth state to allow for Gay Marriage in the end of June. As excited as I was though, I was also greatly conflicted. As I was watching the news with my dad, I had to hide my excitement and pride and disgust towards my dad as he sprouted his right-wing religious doctrine rants. And I start to feel guilty for not condemning gays like other Muslims. But being who I am, that lasted about 30 seconds and I was like Fuck this, religion is a personal thing, so who cares what anybody else believes. It only matters how I interpret my own religion and if I’m okay with my feelings, then the world is an okay place! Smile

Rye Playland Outing with Little Sis!

In July, and little sister and I went to Rye Playland for the first time. It was a lot of fun. We got on the Metro North and had a total blast. My little sis said it was “the best day of her life”, but she says that every time I take her out! lol

DSC06011    DSC06006

Officially an Adult – First Credit Card

You’re not an adult when you turn 18, not even at 21 when you can legally get wasted, it’s when you start acquiring debt via Credit Card! Got the Capital One Journey Card with just a $500 limit, which was nearly maxed out because of textbooks! Arg! I’m still paying it back! Not. Cool.

First Hurricane of NY! Cool!

Yes, I was actually excited about the hurricane warning in NYC on the 27th of August. I mean, we’ve never had a major natural disaster in my lifetime, so it was kind of cool. Of course, I was extremely disappointed that it was just like a regular rainstorm. *pout*

That’s it for now. Next is the last part of my year, Sept. to Dec. God, going back to school after 6 months was such a pain!

Hasta La Vista,


Life is Funny

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My 20th Year of Existence (2011) – January to March

The months of January-March were all about firsts. First time flying. First time visiting my native country—The Gambia. First time meeting my grandmother and the rest of my extended family.

My parents came to the USA 21 years ago as immigrants. My dad has been a citizen for a few years and has visited back home a few times over the years, but my mother has not. In 2010 she was finally granted permanent resident status and we immediately began planning a trip. I cannot believe how it must feel to not see your family for more than 20 years, especially considering how young my mom was when she came to this country, barely 19. It was a truly emotional experience for my mother and for me as well.

Everything was just so different from what I’m use to. The second the plane began its descend, I knew. “Uh, no, looks like we’re not in Kansas anymore”.


The first words out of my mouth were “This is the airport?!” In my thoughts— ‘What the hell?! Figures they’re going to land the plane in the damn bushes!’ My only defense for that slightly ignorant and offensive line was that we’d been flying for nearly 2 days. We had left NYC’s JFK airport around 1pm on the 12th of January and had arrived in Banjul (the capital) at 2pm the next day (with a 6 hours layover in Brussels, Belgium)!

My uncle came to pick us up and we went over to my dad’s compound (where we would stay with my uncle who lives there and helps maintain the place). We spent about 3 weeks in Serekunda (area near the capital), getting clothes sewn, visiting with my younger brother who’s been living and going to school there for a few years. After, we made our trip to my mom and dad’s villages—Dingiri and Missira, respectfully (or aka Bumfuck 1 & 2). Took us nearly 10 hours to drive there and believe me when I say it was not in luxury  or comfort. We were crammed into a van with 10 people total, there was an African man from Spain who was a little too friendly and wouldn’t shut up, I had to pee in a hole in the ground, my baby sis got sick and threw up—It was not a fun ride.

Map of the Gambia

Well, at least now, I can say that I’ve gone cross-country before. So, what if it was a reallly teeny country! Smile

We went to my father’s home town, Missira first, technically since my mom got married, it’s her official hometown too (small African village politics! lol). We spent about 4 days there, until we learned that someone from my mom’s village had come to visit and had a car (cars are not to be taken for granted there).

Dingiri is only about a 45 minute drive from Missira and once there… I finally met my last living grandparent, my mom’s mom. It was… I can’t even truly describe the various emotions I went through watching my grandmother finally lay eyes on her daughter, seeing the joy, and the relief that she lived long enough to see her third daughter, the same emotions as her eyes shifted to us, her three grand-daughters, It was powerful, important and something to be forever remembered.

I won’t go on to list the dozens of family members I met during my trip (hell, I couldn’t even keep track of them). I’ll just say, with multiple wives and 3-4 generations…it makes for a lot of people. However, that was the most important aspect of my trip. Despite, the lack of plumbing, internet, plentiful food, and comfort, I got to meet family, people who will always care no matter what, simply because the same blood runs through their veins as through mine. Two months of literally being constantly surrounded  by people, I realized that living in the States with only my immediate family is a little bit lonely. Major lesson learned from this trip? Family truly is the most important thing someone can have.

Family is important

Top Row: My cousins in Serekunda and my younger sisters, Cousins in Missira with my younger sisters, My grandfather (mom’s dad) who passed about 2 years ago,

Bottom Left: My mom’s eldest sister and her family and me and my sister

Center: My grandmother, her sister (my great-aunt?) and my mom and baby sis.

Bottom Center: My mom’s second eldest sister and her kids.

Bottom Right: My lil sisters and my uncle.

Other lessons Learned?

  • Don’t follow your cousins when they go out at night to steal mangoes from an old man’s property….You end up running in the dark!
  • Don’t then eat said mangoes before they have completely ripened, because while their African intestines are used to it, your delicate American ones will have you running to the the dark…with the sheep and goats scarring the crap of you and near death by sheer EMBARASSMENT, cause you made your little sis come with you and stand guard against the things that go bump in the dark and made her cover her ears as your body noisily rejected the mangoes. And despite her solemn promise never to mention the event again…it still comes up! Grrr… Steaming mad
  • There must be something in the water over there. Because the usually tomboyish me, became utterly girly. It was actually kind of disgusting. I mean, pretty African clothes, heels, make-up and hair all done!  HA HA
  • There’s no such thing as adolescence. There are few young unmarried girls. And I was older than all of them! When I told them I was 19, still unmarried and without a fiancĂ©e or prospect in sight..they were shocked! Surprised smileGirls marry so young, at 14, 15, 16 years of age. But then again without any formal schooling in the villages, it’s like they may as well get married and serve some sort of purpose other than being an extra mouth to feed. lol
  • The amount of freedom given to little kids is not good for my heart. As a city kid from the Big Apple, I could not take my baby sis (who was 2 at the time) just roaming all over the compound on her own. Compounds are like several building built near one another holding an extended family. Think a gated community, without the giant gate and a two-year-old going whenever she pleases….yea, I was having near heart attacks too.
  • All of the sand in the world somehow ended up in the Gambia. There are no roads basically. Maybe like only 5% (Dunno, number pulled outta my bum, but it’s not a lot from what I’ve seen) of the country is paved and cemented. The capital, Banjul definitely has sidewalks and paved roads. Cities and Town near the capital, like Serekunda, have major/main roads paved. However, side roads or anywhere in the villages…is just sand. It’s nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get used to walking in sand when you’re lived your own life on concrete! Sand between toes, in shoes, on hems of clothes..everywhere! God, I’m never going to a beach for as long as I live, I’m so sick of sand. Punch(Take that, Sand!)
  • Taking a semester off from school to travel sounds great in theory, but sucks when you return and have nothing to do. More on that next post.

That’s how I spent the first two months of the year 2011. Next is the months of April to August.

Until next time,


Life is Funny, except when it’s not.